About Sorta Gnarly

 Welcome to Sorta Gnarly, where creativity knows no bounds!

 Born in the heartland of Oklahoma in 1984, our founder's journey began as a curious, left-handed little girl with an insatiable appetite for exploring the world. Growing up in a whirlwind of constant relocation and homeschooling, art became a steadfast companion, offering solace and a canvas for self-expression.

 While life's twists and turns led to a career as an IT Engineer, the passion for art never waned. For over a decade, the worlds of technology and creativity danced in harmony, with painting and design serving as a sanctuary during free moments.

 In 2023, a new chapter unfolded as our founder ventured into the realm of AI technology, fusing technical acumen with artistic flair. Tools like Midjourney and ChatGPT became trusted allies, opening up exciting possibilities.

 Today, Sorta Gnarly stands as a testament to the union of art and technology. We are proud to offer a curated selection of coloring books, colorable posters, and a fashionable line that speaks to the creative spirit in all of us.


Our Mission:

At Sorta Gnarly, we believe in the transformative power of mindfulness, intuition, humor, fun, creativity, passion, and independent thought. Our mission is to curate products and experiences that inspire thought and promote wellbeing. We strive to infuse every endeavor with a touch of unconventional wisdom, encouraging individuals to embrace their inner selves with authenticity and playfulness. Through a blend of creativity and purpose, we aim to ignite sparks of insight and joy in every interaction. At Sorta Gnarly, we're not just about products, we're about a way of life—a life filled with wonder, laughter, and the pursuit of wellbeing. Join us in this journey of self-discovery, where every moment is an opportunity for growth and every thought has the potential to transform.

Dive into our world of whimsical illustrations and vibrant designs. Whether you're a seasoned artist or picking up a brush for the first time, our offerings are designed to spark joy and ignite your imagination.

 We'd love to hear from you! Share your creations, stories, and experiences with us on social media. Join our community of like-minded individuals who believe in the transformative power of art.

 Thank you for being a part of our creative journey. Together, let's make every moment Sorta Gnarly!



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